Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Indonesian Coffee from "kebon kopi"


More than 80% people in the world drinks coffee, we dont need to indrouce what is coffe, but what we gonna introduce is .. best variation coffee in indonesia that most people like .. eventhough there are more than 20 varaiety in indonesia .

Indonesia was the fourth largest producer of Coffee in the world in 2014. Coffee in Indonesia began with its colonial history, and has played an important part in the growth of the country. Indonesia is located within an ideal geography for coffee plantations, near the equator and with numerous mountainous regions across the islands, creating well suited micro-climates for the growth and production of coffee.

There are many kind, there are : 


Roast Level: Medium to Dark
Aroma: Spicy, caramelly, Flowery
Acidity: Medium, Smooth and Clean
Body: High
Flavour: Nutty, Orange Hint, Herb

Types of Arabica coffee is grown in the valley Wamena Baliem Mamena Jayawijaya mountain areas. What is interesting is the growth of this type of coffee plant does not use chemical fertilizers. Wamena Arabica coffee types can flourish naturally.
What is interesting is the Papua has been enjoyed by coffee enthusiasts from all over the world. The quality of this kind of coffee has a distinctive flavor when compared to Arabica coffee flavor to another.


Roast Level: Medium to Dark
Aroma: Fruity
Acidity: Low
Body: Balance
Flavour: Sweet, Spicy

Coffee Java (Java coffee) is coffee from Java Island in Indonesia. This coffee is well known that the name Java becomes the identity name for coffee. Coffee Java Indonesia does not have the same shape with coffee Sumatra and Sulawesi, the taste is not too rich as the coffee from Sumatra or Sulawesi because most of Java coffee processed wet (wet process). Even so, some issuing Java coffee aroma of spices thin so that makes it better than other types of coffee. Java coffee has a low acidity combined with soil conditions, air temperature, weather, and humidity.

Java coffee is the most famous and Java Coffee beans are old (so-called old-brown) in great shape, and low acid levels. This coffee with a strong flavor, thick, sweet coffee flavor. Java Arabica coffee production is centered in the middle of the Ijen Mountains, on the eastern tip of the island of Java, with a height of 1400 meter mountains. This coffee was first cultivated by the Dutch in the 18th century on a large estate.


Roast Level: Medium to Dark
Aroma: Nutty, Caramel
Acidity: Medium
Body: Medium, Very Smooth, Clean After Taste
Flavour: Nutty, Orange, Chocolaty

Flores Bajawa has fertile areas and natural. Flores coffee is coffee Arabica. Coffee plantations in Bajawa elevation above 1300 meters above sea level. The higher the plantation area, the coffee produced, the better.

The whole coffee Flores Bajawa through an organic process, without chemicals. This is one reason why coffee Flores has a strong flavor and fragrant. The local government also strongly supports coffee farmers in Flores. They continue to foster in order to produce a coffee with export quality and the best, and this seems to have been fairly successful, because Flores is now a contributor to the large coffee exports to Indonesia.

Roast Level: Medium to Dark
Aroma: Dark Chocolate, Orange, Lemon
Acidity: High
Body: High
Flavour: Sweet, like Syrup, Chocolate bitter like

Type Bali Kintamani coffee is derived from the region with a height above sea level is above 900. What is interesting is the agro-ecosystem types Kintamani coffee is very suitable for growing Arabica coffee with a known homogeneous agricultural system, especially in the area of Kintamani. This area is known to have a climate with cool temperatures and dry according to high air temperatures. In addition to the fertile volcanic soil makes this coffee plant species can be produced with high-quality.

Roast Level: Medium to Dark
Aroma: Fruity
Acidity: Medium
Body: High
Flavour: Orange, Dark Chocholate Bitter, Banana Note

History of this kind of coffee is derived from a region of the central highlands. At that time the industry has started a coffee plantation on the land since 1908. Gayo coffee plantation has also been spread in Central Aceh district. This area is known to have very large areas in Indonesia with an area of ​​approximately 81,000 ha. These kinds of coffee products are also favored by coffee aficionados around the world.

Mandheling Sumatra coffee is grown on the slopes of Gunung Leuser. Unique in its processing methods produce a strong body, herbal and spicy nuances. Characters This coffee has a balanced flavor, slightly sweet tobacco, winey and chocolate flavors.

Kalosi is a small town in Central Sulawesi. The city serves as a collection point of Toraja coffee. Coffee has extraordinary depth and complexity. The coffee is rich in flavor, strong body; moderate, balanced acidity, herbal, nutty and slightly sweet.

Note : the flavour description is made from the company, it may be differ from every people opinion it cant be made as fix flavour .. but at least can give a description for coffee lover

Bag Content : 500 Gr

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